

Servos are a specific kind of motor which includes gearing and motor control built into the package. They work well for rotating to a specific position. This would be useful for controlling thing like robotic arms or claws.

Motor Shields

Motor Shield

Motor shields are an alternative to motor controllers that can help protect the Arduino in the event of failure.



Joystic controls can be hooked up for controlling something attached to your robot. They include X and Y directions as well as single push-buttons.

Toggles, Pushbuttons, Relays

Toggle Switch Momentary Switch Relay

If you need switch inputs, you want to use a toggle switch or a push-button (momentary) switch. If you’d like to control a switch, you want a relay.



If you want your bot to make a noize, you want a buzzer, Active Piezos make a sound when a voltage is applied. There are also Passive Piezos which make a sound when a voltage is toggled. Passive buzzers are good when you want to control the pitch. You can even play songs with these buzzers!

Photosensors, Motion Sensors, Flame Sensors, Reflectance Sensors

Photosensor Motion Sensor Flame Sensor

Light sensors will detect ambient light. They can also be controlled via laser pointers! Motion sensors will detect when something is in front of it. Flame sensors will detect flames!

Temperature, Humidity, Barrometric Pressure, Water Sensors

Temperature Sensor Water Sensor

Some sensors will allow you can to read the conditions around you.

Accelerometers and Gyros


Accelrometers are units that can tell you the XYZ orientation of an object. Gyros can tell you the XYZ rotation of an object. When used together, these units can tell you a lot about the movement of your robot. Some sensors are available that will give you both sets of information.

Resistors, Capacitors, Transistors, Diodes

resistor capacitor transistor diode

Many of the above components are contained and you don’t need extra circuitry to power them. You may find, however, that you need to build your own circuits. Our assored resistors, capacitors, transistors and diodes should help you build most simple circuits.