Chassis Orientation

The first step in building your robot is to understand the orientation of the chassis.

  • The edge of the chassis that is tapered is the front of the robot.

Set the chassis in front of you so that it looks like this:


Attach the Arduino

  • Locate the Arduino in your kit.
  • Turn the Arduino so that the power and USB ports are facing the right side of the robot.
  • Attach the Arduino to the rear of the chassis using a double stack of double sided tape making sure to leave room for the 9V battery we will be using later


Attach the Circuit Board

  • Locate the circuit board in your kit.
  • Be careful inserting the circuit board so you do not bend any pins!
  • Attach it to the Arduino making sure that the pins line up correctly.
    • Note that one side of the circuit board has numbers (8, 9, 10, etc.)
    • These should line up with the exact same number on the arduino.
    • Similarly, the labels on the other side of the circuit board should match the arduino.
    • Please ask a mentor to verify the circuit board placement
